More Precious Than The Most Beautiful Sky

Imported Photos 00167

As our two souls ventured into the unknown, the vessel for our voyage was the rental car, the scenery for our eyes was lush eye candy, but what the true nature of the trip was about was the conjoining of our souls.  Simply being in each other’s presence and learning to let go and share an intimate bond.  The entire trip was absolutely beautiful, but I wouldn’t trade all of nature’s beauty in the world for the pure laughter and enjoyment I heard in your voice as we ventured through it.  Your appreciation for nature and being so ecstatic that for a temporary moment you had forgotten how to operate your own camera, and the peacefulness and calmness I got from that simply reinforced what I had already know, how much I love you. 

You shared your dreams, had the courage to tell me when you were afraid, and opened up to me with honesty because of how much you care.  If there was a bad moment on the trip I cannot recall it, even when the car stalled on the side of the road, I happily took each step into the unknown because I felt a higher sense of protection and love that no earthly man can damage.  And even in this moment there was a lesson of great beauty as I saw the genuine concern and love you had for me as you charged your phone to call me horrified something might have happened to me.

 One of the most baffling and mystical moments for me did not occur at Coral Castle, but as we were heading back through the scenic adventure enjoying the mountains.  You were searching for a word, and continuously using the word lush, just as this occurred a song by the band Stone Temple Pilots called “Plush” came on and you seemed to be able to inexplicably retrieve the word plush.  Now this would appear to be mere coincidence to those who have not awakened or lack higher esoteric knowledge.  But there is a word for this psychic phenomenon, and it’s called synchronicity, and it only occurs twofold. 

The first is that it is an indication that you are on the correct path and perfectly harmonious with the moment.  And the second is that your soul is in perfect alignment with another’s so that you are able to receive the signals and signs from each other.   That being said, I know in my being we are on the right path, and taking the higher road.  No other person in the world could have convinced me to stretch myself further than I had ever thought I could go before.  This coming from a man who did in fact land himself a job recently ,and even while heavily sedated, urinated and soiled himself and had to run out of the store, and go back home. 

But when I’m with you I don’t feel that fear and anxiety, you bring me a peace and joy that isn’t tangible, requires no explanation, it just simply is.  Your unconditional love gives me power and strength, and in turn I wish you to know more than anything that no time, space, situation, or distance, could ever break the unconditional love I have for you.  So I’ll simply end with saying thank you for the priceless experience we shared, the many blessings you bestowed upon me, and cheers (glass of ginger ale), to many, many more to come.       

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